Even in loss…

When I first came across this concept it appeared to be too simplistic to possibly deliver all it promises yet through practice I have truly felt the power of giving thanks.


Never more so than at times of loss. When you lose anything in this life, big or small, focusing on what you still have and giving thanks for that gives you an inner strength that is difficult to quantify. Gratitude in a time of challenge takes effort but the rewards are enormous. I can speak from personal experience. At two of the most challenging points of my life giving thanks for that which I had gave me the power to face the difficult moments.


Losing my Mother at a young age completely reshaped my world and it was hard to find any joy or benefit in that situation. I had great support at the time which was invaluable but the thing that made the greatest difference was both finding and counting my blessings. This helped me not only to transcend the pain but also to find greater meaning in life. As a result I have gone on to make my own life count in the best way that I can. Please try it for yourself. It's easier than you might think... it just requires focus and regular practice and before you know it your spirits are lifted.


'Thank you' does not prevent life’s ups and downs but it gives you the inner strength to face and transcend them and within the storms you're surprised by how much strength you really have; I certainly was and that has helped me so much in the rest of my life.... It is an inner knowing that helps you stand strong in the most ferocious of life’s storms....And I give thanks for that.....Hope this helps someone at a time of need.

Edward Harrison (Ireland)